Quaker Hill Farm 3rd month, 2007 News

3rd month began with wintry snowy cold and gales of such force many tree limbs became forfeit. Still, we poured over seed catalogs and made plans for new gardens with optimism, ignoring the weather and trusting that the howling storms were little more than winters swan song. Now we delight to hear bird song and how sweet they sound after weeks of howling winter winds!

Maple sugar season was productive once again and there is now enough syrup for the pantry and gifts for the year. There is an informative photo essay - Making Maple Syrup - for anyone who would like to try this interesting project for themselves. We tried to include all of the information needed to successfully guide one through the steps of making maple syrup. It really does make a great home schooling project and maple syrup never tastes better than when you make it yourself!

Our bees have made it through winter and for that we are so glad. Winter was long and bitter cold and we had our doubts as to whether they could have survived it. But, they are active now and taking their cleansing flights. Last autumn, we gave them “extra provisions", if you will, in expectation of a hard winter and now we are very glad for having done so. We will be putting in a few more hives this year and hope to build a new “honey house” too.

The gardens got raked last week and we are planning to move some things around. We want to have the “Prince of Peace Biblical Garden” in a nice visible location - so we may wind up having two bible gardens! We are going to plant Madonna Lilies and see how they do here.

Blessings & Peace,
Quaker Anne
3rd Month, 2007

Words of Wisdom

The true office of any faith is to
give life a meaning which death cannot destroy.

- anonymous

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