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Quaker Anne's
Children's Stories
Stories include:
How Bees Make Honey
A Chicken is Born
A Haircut for Sheep
A Baby Horse is Born
A Baby Goat is Born
Lassie Saves a Lamb
Contact Information
Two roads diverged in a wood
And I took the one less traveled by
And that has made all the difference
- Robert Frost
Quaker Hill Farm is a sustainable living farm located in Harrisville, Michigan. Our country homestead is
near the beautiful northern shores of Lake Huron in Alcona County, and is part of the Alcona County Quilt Trail.
Visitor Information
For the safety of our free range animals, and in consideration
of the resident community, we do not allow self-guided farm tours.
However, our free range herds and flocks can be viewed along the roadside for over 1/4 of a mile. This means
that thee and thy family may enjoy watching the baby goats, lambs and more, right in the comfort and
safety of thy vehicle.
We understand that visitors
frequently travel from long distances to visit Quaker Farm, but without an appointment,
please understand,
we are not able to accommodate walk-ins. Farm life is a very scheduled life with exacting chore times
and work
hours that may not be easily interrupted. This is not a hobby operation, it is an authentic way of life with
demands that must be faithfully attended to.
Striving to be good stewards of the animals, grounds
and gardens depending on our diligent care and oversight means that our
schedule of responsibilities must come first. We truly appreciate thy understanding.
Note: Farm visits or tours are not available at this time.
Business Address
Quaker Hill Farm
P.O. Box 1
Greenbush, Michigan 48738
Please call before you visit
NO self-guided farm tours or unscheduled visits allowed.
No calls after 6pm, Eastern Standard Time
No calls on Sunday
We offer telephone consultations for those interested in
starting a homestead of their
own or who have
questions regarding management of their homestead projects.
Phone consultations: $40 per half hour by appointment.
Pictures from the visit of Michigan Jamboree of Model T's

"The Lord bless thee and keep thee...."
- Numbers 6:24