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Stories include:

How Bees Make Honey

A Chicken is Born

A Haircut for Sheep

A Baby Horse is Born

A Baby Goat is Born

Lassie Saves a Lamb

Quaker Hill Farm
Harrisville, Michigan

Cooking With Honey
scroll down for interesting facts and recipes ...

Cooking with honey is to enjoy the finest sweetener found in nature. It has amazing properties that really complement baked goods! Honey absorbs and retains moisture so homemade baked goods stay fresher longer and are more moist. Honey also reduces crumbliness in cookies and muffins.

Tips For Baking With Honey:
  • For best results, use recipes that specify honey.
  • When you substitute honey for granulated sugar in recipes for baked goods, substitute      honey for up to half the sugar. With experimentation, honey can be substituted for all      the sugar in some recipes.
  • Reduce the amount of liquid in the recipe by 1/4 cup for each cup of honey used.
  • Add 1/2 teaspoon baking soda for each cup of honey used.
  • Reduce oven temperature by 25°F to prevent over-browning.
  • Because of its high fructose content, honey has a higher sweetening power than sugar.
  • One 12-ounce jar of honey equals a standard measuring cup.
  • For easy removal, coat measuring cup with vegetable oil before measuring honey.

    Nutritional Facts About Honey
    Serving Size: 1 TLB (21g)
    Calories 60
    Total Fat 0g
    Sodium 0mg
    Total Carbs 17g
    Sugars 16g
    Protein 0g

    Did You Know...?
    Quaker Bill and his bees, Harrisville, Michigan Honeybees are the only insects that produce food for humans.

    Honey bees have been known to travel as far as 4,000 miles to find the very best blooms to collect pollen from. Honey bees visit over 2 million flowers to produce one pound of honey.

    Bees from the same hive visit about 225,000 flowers per day. One single bee usually visits between 50-1000 flowers a day, but can visit up to several thousand.

    A bee travels an average of 1600 round trips in order to produce one ounce of honey; up to 6 miles per trip. To produce 2 pounds of honey, bees travel a distance equal to 4 times around the earth.

    Important warning: Do not feed honey to babies under 18 months old.

    Why? Honey, as well as other raw agricultural products, could contain a small number of spores called Clostridium botulinum. These are the same organisms that cause botulism. The spores don't thrive in the intestines of adults and older children. The spores are able to grow in the stomachs of infants and could possibly cause a serious form of food poisoning known as infant botulism. Honey is unquestionably safe for older children and adults.

    Honey Weights & Measures

    When cooking with honey remember ... an 8 oz. jar of honey only yields approximately 3/4 of a cup. This is because the weight on the jar label pertains to the net weight of the honey inside the jar, not the liquid measure. The table below will help you convert standard jar sizes to the equivalent liquid measure.

    Weight Listed
    On Label
    Fluid Ounces
    8 ounces
    3/4 cup
    5 fluid ounces
    12 ounces
    1 cup
    8 fluid ounces
    16 ounces
    1 - 1/2 cups
    11 fluid ounces
    24 ounces
    2 cups
    16 fluid ounces
    40 ounces
    3 cups
    26 fluid ounces

    Honey Recipes

    Enjoy the honey recipes below. Just click the box to the left of the recipe name to view the recipe. They are free to use and share - please don't charge others for their use if you copy and reprint them.

    Click the box to the left of the recipe name

    R1. Banana Protein Shake

    R2. Orange/Pinapple/Banana Shake

    R3. Peach Smoothie

    R4. Frosty Latte Love

    R5. Nutritious Nectar Smoothie

    R6. Carrot Bran Muffins

    R7. Apple Walnut Muffins

    R8. Strawberry Cream Cheese Coffee Cake

    R9. Date & Nut Bars

    R10. Peanut Butter Cookies

    R11. Oatmeal Nut Cookies

    R12. Honey Spice Cookies











